Single line Text (for Alloy table)

This field type and its settings ensure that short textual data is captured accurately and securely, while also providing a user-friendly experience for data entry.

The Single Line Text field type corresponds to the column type Single Line Text in the Alloy table. This field type is used to capture short, single-line textual data, such as names, titles, or brief responses.

Default Value

Specify a pre-filled text that appears in the Single Line Text field when the form is initially loaded.

This can be used to provide an example or a common entry to guide users. If left blank, the field will start empty, requiring the user to enter their data.

Secured field

This setting ensures that the data entered into the Single Line Text field is encrypted and securely stored.

This is particularly important for sensitive information, such as passwords or personal identifiers. When enabled, this checkbox adds an extra layer of security to protect the user's data from unauthorized access.


For the text input, you can set:

  • Min length: the minimum number of characters entered as the input value.

  • Max length: the maximum number of characters entered as the input value.

  • Content type: the specific type of text value you want to collect (plain text, phone number, or email).

Content type validation

  • Plain text: any value without special requirements for characters.

  • Email: the input value should at least contain a valid email tag such as or @[company].net in case of organization email.

  • Phone number: the input value can contain the + symbol with the regional phone code, but must not contain alphanumeric characters or special ones like @, #, or %.

    Examples of valid values for phone numbers: +123-456-789 or + 123 456 789 or +123456789

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