Card Layout

AppAlloy Card Layout option provides a larger space for each item compared to the List Layout option.

It is effective for showcasing items with a visual component that benefits from a bigger image preview.

Detailed settings


This is the primary text label displayed prominently within the list item. It typically represents the most crucial piece of information about the data point.

Line limitation: 1


The subtitle is a secondary text label that provides additional details or context to complement the title. Utilize this option to showcase supplementary information that enhances user understanding.

Line limitation: 2

Photo URL

Incorporating a photo injects a visual element into your list. There are ratio options to ensure your photos are displayed proportionally within the list item. Consider using photos that visually represent the data point (e.g., a product image for an e-commerce app).

Content position

This setting offers greater control over the layout of your card. You can choose between:

  • Block: In this configuration, the title, subtitle, and any additional content are displayed beneath the photo in a dedicated block.

  • Overlay: With the overlay option, the title and subtitle are positioned directly on top of the photo, creating a layered effect.

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