Number (for Alloy table)

The "Number" input field allows users to input numerical values for a column where the data type is detected as a number.

The Number field type is associated with columns of type Number in the Alloy table. When users tap to enter input, a numeric keyboard will show up.

This field is used to capture and validate numerical data, ensuring that the information entered is within specified numeric ranges.

Default Value

Pre-fill the Number field with a specific numeric value when the form is first loaded.

This can be useful for setting a baseline or commonly used number to guide the user. If no default value is set, the field will be empty, and the user will need to enter a number manually.


  • Min Value: This setting specifies the minimum allowable value for the number that can be entered in the field.

  • Max Value: This setting limits the maximum allowable value for the number in the field.

Last updated