
formats a number or a date/time value

The Text() function in Power FX is used to convert various data types into formatted text.

This is particularly useful when you want to display numbers, dates, or other data types in a specific format for app users.


Text(Value, Format)
  • Value: The data you want to convert into text. This could be a number, date, or other data type.

  • Format: An optional parameter to specify how you want to format the text (like specifying how dates or numbers are shown).

You can use this syntax to convert the date/time data into ISO 8601 format for a better representation of DateTime in the app.


Support today is September 18, 2024

Simply use Today() syntax, the result shown in the app will be Date(2024,9,8)

Convert the data to ISO 8601 format, the syntax will be

Text(Today(), yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss), the result shown in the app will be Sep 18, 2024

Last updated