Operators & Identifiers


  • ThisItem: Refers to the current item in a table or data context. Useful when referencing fields in the current row.

  • CurrentUser: Refers to the current user logged into Habitify, allowing you to access their details, such as name, email, or user-specific data.


Reference: Microsoft PowerFX - Operators & Identifiers


Decimal separator


Separator between whole and fractional parts of a number. The character depends on the language.



( )

Enforces precedence order, and groups sub expressions in a larger expression

Filter(T, A < 10) (1 + 2) * 3

Arithmetic operators



1 + 2


Subtraction and sign

2 - 1



2 * 3



2 / 3



2 ^ 3


Percentage (equivalent to "* 1/100")


Comparison operators


Equal to

ThisItem.Price = 100


Greater than

ThisItem.Price > 100


Greater than or equal to

ThisItem.Price >= 100


Less than

ThisItem.Price < 100


Less than or equal to

ThisItem.Price <= 100


Not equal to

ThisItem.Price <> 100

String concatenation operator


Makes multiple strings appear continuous

"(New Arrival)" & " "& ThisItem.ProductName

Logical operators

&& or AND

Logical conjunction, equivalent to the And function

Price < 100 && ThisItem.Quantity = 20 or Price < 100 And ThisItem.Quantity = 20

|| or OR

Logical disjunction, equivalent to the Or function

Price < 100 || ThisItem.Quantity = 20 or Price < 100 OR ThisItem.Quantity = 20

! or NOT

Logical negation, equivalent to the Not function

!ThisItem.Quantity = 20 or NOT(ThisItem.Quantity = 20)

Last updated