
converts a date string (for example, "10/01/2014") to a date/time value.

The DateValue() function in Power FX is used to convert a date string into a date value, which can then be used in date-based calculations and comparisons.

AppAlloy stores and works with date data in ISO 8601 format, which is a standard for date and time representation. The DateValue() function can also be used to convert an ISO 8601 string into a usable date value so you can do comparisons and calculations with the DateTime data.



ThisItem.DateStringColumn: The column contains data representing a date that needs to be converted into a date value. The string should be in a recognizable date format.


Comparing Dates

If you want to compare dates, such as checking if a task's due date is past today, you first need to convert the text into a date value:

If(DateValue(ThisItem.DueDate) < Today(), "Overdue", "On time")

This formula compares the converted DueDate with the current date:

  • If the DueDate is before today, it returns "Overdue."

  • Otherwise, it returns "On time."

Calculating Date Differences

Once you convert the text string into a date value, you can perform calculations like finding the difference between two dates:

Datediff(DateValue(ThisItem.StartDate), DateValue(ThisItem.EndDate))

This calculates the difference between the start and end dates (both stored as text) in days.

Best Practices

  • Consistency in Date Formats: When using DateValue(), ensure your date strings follow a consistent format. This is particularly important if you are working with user input or external data sources.

  • Converting Text to Date: Always use DateValue() when your dates are stored as text to ensure compatibility with date-based calculations and functions like Datediff(), DateAdd(), and comparisons.

Last updated