Calendar Layout

AppAlloy Calendar layout showcases your items on the base of a calendar.

This layout is ideal for displaying data with a time-based element, such as appointments, meetings, or scheduled tasks. AppAlloy calendar layout provides a clear visual representation of upcoming events and their corresponding dates.



You specify a name or short description for your event item here. This field is designed to be clear and descriptive, summarizing the event or item for easy identification.

Start Date & End Date

These settings are a crucial component of the Calendar Layout. They enable you to define the date and time when an event begins and ends.

By selecting the appropriate dates (or a column of that information), you ensure accurate placement and visibility of the event within the calendar.

Formatting rule

When using the "Formatting Rules" setting in a calendar layout, where each item represents an event, you can define conditions to visually distinguish specific events on your calendar.

To set up the formatting rules:

  • Click the + button

  • For the If the expression is true, click the PowerFX input field, write the PowerFX formula, or describe your requirement to the AI Copilot. Then click Save.

  • Choose color for the satisfied items.

Last updated