Canvas Charts

Understand the difference between nine charts created in AppAlloy to use them effectively for evaluation and reporting purposes.

AppAlloy offers nine different canvas charts, all designed to visualize data for different report purposes.

Kindly note that for now, AppAlloy Charts are available only when creating Canvas page.

Add Canvas Charts

To create a Canvas chart, you should create a Canvas view page first.

Design Canvas View Page

From the canvas page, click the + button to choose your favorite chart

Explore list of charts

Line chartArea ChartPie ChartDonut ChartColumn chart vs. Stacked Column chartBar chart vs. Stacked bar chartTable

Button for canvas page

A button is added to have an interactive element within the canvas page.

To configure the action and how it works for the button, on the left sidebar, click on the button component and go to the right sidebar.

  • In Title, enter a name and choose an icon for the action button

  • In On click, click on Configure… to start modifying how the action is executed

To explore the supported actions for a button, you can read this article:

Design Actions

You also can add the actions from the integrated apps:

  • Post a message to a Slack channel

  • Send an Email using Gmail

  • Create Event in Google Calendar

Explore how to set up the integration for the actions here:

Manage AppAlloy Integration

Last updated