Manage data type
Explore the list of data type available for data of a native Alloy table, seeing the powerful control you have over the data.
Textual Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Single line text | A short piece of text, used for brief information like names. | "John Doe" |
Long text | A longer piece of text for detailed descriptions or comments. | "This is a detailed description of the product..." |
Identification Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
A string that follows the email format, used for contact information. | "" | |
Phone number | A string representing a telephone number, used for contact details. | "+1-234-567-8900" |
Barcode | A numeric or alphanumeric string used to identify products. | "012345678905" |
Address | A string representing a physical location, used for mailing or billing addresses. | "123 Main St, Anytown, USA" |
Numerical Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Number | A numeric value, used for quantities or measurements. | "12345" |
Currency | A numeric value representing money, often with a currency symbol, used for financial transactions. | "$100.00" |
Boolean Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Checkbox | A boolean value indicating a true/false condition, used for status or selection. | "Checked" or "Unchecked" |
Date & Time Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Date | A value representing a calendar date, used for scheduling or recording events. | "2024-07-23" |
Media Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Photo | An image file, used for visual representation. | "image.jpg" |
File | Any type of file, used for attachments or documents. | "document.pdf" |
Option Data Types
Data type | Definition | Example |
Single select | A value chosen from a predefined list of options, used for categorization. | "Option A" |
Multi select | Multiple values chosen from a predefined list of options, used for categorization. | "Option A, Option B" |
Relational Data Types
Data type | Defitnition | Example |
Virtual column | A calculated field or a reference to other data, values is computed using PowerFx | Thisitem.quantity*Thisitem.price |
Link to another table column | A reference to a column in another table, used for relational data. | Link to column "CustomerID" of table "Customer" |
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