Upload local file

Learn to bring your existing data files to AppAlloy, simplifying the data manipulation steps of your app creation.


Uploading CSV or XLSX files from your local device to AppAlloy is a convenient way to import existing data into the platform, allowing you to leverage the full power of native tables.

This method is ideal for scenarios where data is stored in local files, and you need to transition to a more integrated and dynamic data management system within AppAlloy.

This is ideal for use cases that include importing legacy data, conducting initial data setup for new applications, and managing periodic data updates.

How it works

When you upload a CSV or XLSX file to AppAlloy, the platform converts the file into a native Alloy table.

This process involves parsing the file, creating columns based on the file's structure, and populating the table with the data from the file.

Once uploaded, the native table can be used like any other Alloy table, supporting CRUD (create, read, update, and delete data) operations and seamless integration with other app components.

How to set it up

AppAlloy supports files in format .csv, .xlsx, .xls, and under 10MB.

To upload your file onto AppAlloy and turn it into Alloy table:

  • Go to tab Data, on the section All Tables, click the + icon

  • Choose Upload files

  • Drag & drop, or click to select your file in the uploading window

  • Select the checkbox to choose the sheet(s) for syncing

  • Select the check box Automatically create new pages for selected sheets if you want AppAlloy to create the collection view, form view, and record view for the newly-synced sheets

  • Click Save to start uploading your file

Manage table & data

When a local data spreadsheet file is uploaded successfully onto the data tab of AppAlloy, it can be managed as a native Alloy table with full access to the built-in one.

Read more about how to manage tables & data of an uploaded file here:

Build Alloy table

Special note

AppAlloys doesn't support exporting the file with new data. In case you plan to save the future updated data back to your local file as well, consider importing your file to spreadsheets then set up the synchronization. Read more about this type of data source:

Integrate with Google Sheets

Troubleshooting issue

Changing data type causes data loss

You can try to press F5 to refresh the browser first.

The situation of losing data often happens when you just import data into the Alloy table and then change the column's data type immediately while the new data is not saved into the database yet.

Then, try to import the data again. On this next try, please wait for about 1-2 minutes until the saving of your data is complete. Then, you can change your data type.

Last updated